About Us

Know more about us.

We are representative of Key Affected Population and civil society in Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM). CCM is a national committee which includes representatives from different stakeholders who are engaged to fight against three diseases – HIV & AIDS, TB and Malaria.

We civil society actively involved in the committee to ensure country-driven, coordinated, and multi-sectoral processes for leveraging and implementing additional resources to fight AIDS, TB and malaria in the country through Global Fund. CCM Nepal has its own Rules of Business. Meetings are scheduled quarterly in a year and additional meetings are held when the need arises especially around proposal development.

CCM Nepal consists of diverse 17 members with their alternates who are elected or nominated from their respective constituencies following the standard election procedure. Among them, 9 members are from nongovernment organization. Currently, CCM chair from secretary of Ministry of Health and Population and vice chair from civil society Mr. Achut Sitaula.

We would like to welcome all the concerned civil society members to access the information related to civil society. We provide update information's, decisions, reports and circulations etc. Main objective of this we page to have common platform to share information, issues and make collaborative voices for the civil society working in HIV TB and Malaria. Please visit our documents Facebook twitter to send your views and comments for our collaborative effort.